Joan Pallé

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Enough space

Year: 2019


This project presents a look at the natural environment as a place on the margins and explores the figure of the theorist or writer isolated in a cabin lost in nature. Pointing to the need for an antisocial attitude of the intellectual to ultimately create an hipersocial product.

A magnificent place to live, work, or commit suicide.

A magnificent place to live, work, or commit suicide is a phrase taken from the book “The Letters of Malcolm Lowry and Gerald Noxon, 1940-1952”, which collects letters that the writer Malcom Lowry sent his editor Gerald Noxon. In the letter, Malcolm invites his friend to visit him in the cabin in the town where the author lived for years on the Canadian coast. The sculpture shows the moment where Lowry’s cabin was set on fire destroying the only copy he had of the unpublished book In ballast to the white sea.

Cabins collection.

These works are part of the project Enough space. The work presents reproductions of the cabins where the following have lived: H. D. Thoreau, Theodore Kaczyinski “Unabomber”, Virginia Wolf and Le Corbusier.

Space enough
Instalation view of the project in Centre d’art La Panera, Lleida.

Cabins collection
Wood and cardboard
25 x 150 x 130 cm

Lowry’s letter
Pencil on paper and book page in frame.
Dimensions variable
A magnificent place to live, work, or commit suicide is a phrase taken from the book “The Letters of Malcolm Lowry and Gerald Noxon, 1940-1952”, which collects letters that the writer Malcom Lowry sent his editor Gerald Noxon. In the letter, Malcolm invites his friend to visit him in the cabin in the town where the author lived for years on the Canadian coast.

Prospect cottage
Wood, cartboard and tripod
50 x 60 x 135 cm

Model of the cotagge owned by the filmaker and artist Derek Jarman on the south of england.

Prospect cottage
Wood, cartboard and tripod
50 x 60 x 135 cm

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