Joan Pallé

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Tierra Negativa

Año: 2018

Expuesto en: LLeida


The exhibition was about public space as a conflict place. In the project I have produced different formal exercises using drawing and sculpture. Working with an accumulation of images from the media that represents intensity, violence and negativity in public space.

In parallel to the exhibition, a public installation was displayed, consisting on filling the streets of the city with posters with sad faces during the Christmas time.

joan palle iei web 2
joan palle iei web 3
Tierra Negativa
Wood, and inkjet print on paper.
400 x 200 x 80 cm
Letraset composition #7 2018 Carbon paper and letraset on paper 30 x 42 cm
Letraset composition #12
Carbon paper and letraset on paper
24 x 30 cm
Letraset composition #11
Letraset and carbon paper on paper
30×42 cm
joan palle iei 5
L’espectador contra l’espectacle
160 x 80 x160 cm
Installation view at Sala Gòtica I.E.I. Lleida
Installation view at Sala Gòtica I.E.I. Lleida
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